Expertise: Private

Unlocking ESG

ESG is quickly becoming a standard on the international markets, due to evolving regulations led by the European Union, the alignment of financial analysts’ requirements with benchmark EU regulations, and investors’ expectations. The “ESG race” is spreading fast, and it will shortly involve all global markets. Those organisations that will be ready to manage the ESG opportunity will enjoy a lasting competitive advantage.

Vittorio Ragazzini



Merthe Weusthuis


Whiteshield Academy Lead

Arthur Pendaries


Associate Partner

How Whiteshield can help

Whiteshield can support organisations to assess options for ESG compliance, but also to potentially update their business models in a comprehensive way, and incorporate ESG as an integral component. To achieve this strategic goal, we address four critical questions:

  • What are the minimum obligations for ESG compliance? 
  • Which capabilities are needed for ESG reporting? 
  • Which organisational adjustments are needed for ESG communication? 
  • What are the opportunities for the ESG-based business, and what are the strategic, organisational and operational requirements?

Whiteshield addresses the four questions above with a three-phased approach:

  • Phase 1: Diagnostics and strategy direction, including ESG framework review and baseline assessment 
  • Phase 2: Options and Roadmap, including options analysis for ESG approach and roadmap 
  • Phase 3: Detailed assessment, including detailed review of the company’s financials, products, and client portfolio, analysis of potential new market segments, types of clients to target, recommendations on incorporating the elements of ESG strategy into the company’s products

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